We are a collective of 3 individuals called “Back 2 Purpose”. We have developed a curriculum teaching S.E.L (Social Emotional Learning) with the purpose of instilling positive racial identity, bringing transformation through breaking trauma derived patterns & providing health consciousness through physical fitness and mental awareness.

Marcell Johnson
A transformational speaker & life coach. He operates as our SEL coordinator. He shows people how to identify toxic or traumatic emotions, remove roadblocks to healing, and replace them with new life- giving patterns. His mission is to help everyone reach their full potential.

Justin Locante
Wellness Professional who helps young men & women understand the energy in and around them through fitness & spirituality. His focus is to educate how to live a more productive healthy life through determination & discipline.

Yusef Shelton
Entrepreneur, social activist and musical artist from Pittsburgh, PA who raps to ignite purpose in the hearts of young black men. He uses intentional, uplifting lyrics to Ignite purpose. Showing people how to turn their pain into art is his specialty.